Defend Your Credit Union's Tax Status: It's All About YOU!
We have an important and urgent matter to address today. We ask you to please take a moment and read this message.
Congress is considering a new tax on all credit unions, including Northrop Grumman FCU. Our existing tax status is part of what empowers us to prioritize your financial wellbeing.
We need your voice to ensure lawmakers understand the value credit unions bring to their constituents. We've made it easy for you to send a pre-written message to your representatives - just visit our Connect for the Cause platform, review the message, and send it in seconds.
Make Your Voice Heard: Don't Tax My Credit Union
At Northrop Grumman Federal Credit Union, we work hard to provide unique advantages to our member-owners. One of them is more favorable pricing than can be found at national banks on Wall Street, made possible in part by our Credit Union's tax-exempt status, which allows us to keep expenses lower.
For you, this can mean:
- ✅ Lower loan rates
- ✅ Higher rates on savings
- ✅ Fewer and lower fees
- ✅ Free financial counseling
- ✅ Personalized service at branches and call centers
Providing top-tier financial products is a recognition of our core mission: to serve you, our member-owners. Because NGFCU is not driven by profit like traditional banks, we can focus on providing the best possible financial services to our members.
Leaders in Congress are meeting to determine how to pay for the extension of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Recently, the House Budget Committee passed a resolution to begin the process for tax reform. Congress members will review every opportunity to reduce the deficit “price tag” that accompanies extension of the TCJA.
We’re proud to be a member-owned cooperative, and we’re committed to using our resources to benefit you, our most important asset. Please use Connect for the Cause today. It only takes a minute of your time, and the benefits are important to us all.
Thank you for being part of the Northrop Grumman Federal Credit Union family.
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